Ashley Lee
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Stanford University
About Me
Dr. Ashley Lee is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Digital CIvil Society Lab at Stanford University. Her current research focuses on technology, youth activism, and social movements in comparative perspective. In her work, she engages with issues of surveillance and other forms of repression across democratic and authoritarian countries.
She has served as Director of Civic Tech with The Future Society and Director of Harvard Innovation & Ventures in Education. Previously, she has worked on issues at the intersection of technology and society at Microsoft Research, Stanford Research Institute (SRI), and the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society. She completed a doctorate in Culture, Communities, and Education at Harvard University as a Weatherhead Center for International Affairs Graduate Fellow. She received a BS in Computer Science from Stanford University.
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Selected Publications & Projects
Lee, A. (2022). Hybrid activism under the radar: Surveillance and resistance among marginalized youth activists in the United States and Canada. New Media & Society.
Lee, A. (2022). Breakdowns in mediated conversations. Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).
Kim, S. & Lee, A. (2022). Black Lives Matter and its Countermovements on Facebook. SSRN (preprint).
Lee, A. (2018). Invisible networked publics and hidden contention: Youth activism and social media tactics under repression. New Media & Society, 20(11), pp. 4095-4115.