Dr Naiema Taliep
Senior Researcher at the Institute for Social and Health Sciences, (University of South Africa) and the Masculinity and Health Research Unit (MaHRU), South African Medical Research Council and University of South Africa (SAMRC-UNISA)
About Me
Dr Naiema Taliep is a registered research psychologist at the University of South Africa (Unisa) Institute for Social and Health Sciences and the South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC)-Unisa Masculinity and Health Research Unit. She has expertise and extensive experience in community-based participatory action research, community engagement, youth violence prevention, and programme evaluation. She has been centrally involved in the development, monitoring, and evaluation of child and youth centred safety and health intervention programmes and has conducted research in the development and psychometric testing of questionnaires in the field of violence, family functioning, safety, peace and health-related quality of life.
Community-based participatory research, community engagement, youth violence prevention, psychometry, programme evaluation, decolonial research, masculinities, critical approaches, child and adolescent health and well-being
More Information:
Community Action Research Program
Selected Publications
Taliep, N., Lazarus, S., Cochrane, J., Olivier, J., Bulbulia, S., Seedat, M., Swanepoel, H. & James, A. (Online, 2020). Community asset mapping as a strategy for developing an interpersonal violence prevention program. Action Research. doi: 101177/1476750319898236
Taliep, N., Lazarus, S., & Naidoo, A. V. (On-line Dec., 2017). A qualitative meta-synthesis of interpersonal violence prevention programs focused on males. Interpersonal Violence. doi: 10.1177/0886260517748414
Lazarus, S., Cochrane, J., Taliep, N., Simmons, C. & Seedat, M. (2017). Identifying and mobilising factors that promote community peace. In M. Seedat, S. Suffla & D Christie (Eds). Enlarging the scope of peace psychology: African and world-regional contributions. (pp. 161-183). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Taliep. N., Lazarus, S., Seedat, M., & Cochrane, J.R. (2016). The role of religious leaders in anti-Apartheid mobilisation: Implications for violence prevention in contemporary South Africa. Religion, State and Society, 44(4):331-48. Doi: 10.1080/09637494.2016.1242890
Taliep, N., Rawathal, K., Bulbulia, S., & Ismail, G. (2019). Building Organisations for Compassionate Communities: Guidelines for Transformation. Tygerberg, Cape Town, South Africa: ISHS & SAMRC- UNISA Violence, Injury and Peace Research Unit. ISBN: 978-1-928340-43-0
Taliep, N., Lazarus, S., Bulbulia, S., Ismail, G., Hornsby, N. (Eds.). (2018). Ukuphepha: Manual on Community Engaged Violence Prevention, Safety and Peace Promotion. Tygerberg, Cape Town, South Africa: SAMRC-UNISA Violence, Injury and Peace Research Unit. ISBN: 978-1-928340-35-5
The Building Bridges Youth Mentoring Programme; Uxolo: Safety and peace promotion and community building; Evaluation of the Transformational Model of Community Engagement