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Associate Professor, University of Colorado Boulder

About Me

I am an anthropologist of education whose areas of interest include education and citizenship in Latin America and transnational Latinx migrant communities in the U.S. and Spain. My research investigates how young people growing up transnational communities, particularly in Latin American and Caribbean diasporas, learn to belong, participate and work for change in multiple national communities, and the spaces and practices that support their critical citizenship formation. I see research as being not only about generating new theoretical understanding, but as engaging with the communities and youth in my studies to support their own processes of inquiry, self-definition, and work for change.

Transnational migration, diaspora, civic education, participatory research

Contact Information: Faculty Website

Full CV available here.

Selected Publications

Dyrness, Andrea and Enrique Sepúlveda (2020). Border Thinking: Latinx Youth Decolonizing Citizenship. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.

Winner of the 2020 Outstanding Book Award, Council on Anthropology & Education, American Anthropological Association.

Dyrness, Andrea  (2021): Rethinking global citizenship education with/for transnational youth, Globalisation, Societies and Education, DOI: 10.1080/14767724.2021.1897001

Active Projects

Currently working on a project on youth agents of change and critical citizenship formation in a global movement for peace education.


Michelle Renée Valladares


Krystal Strong