Keith Catone
Executive Director of the
Center for Youth & Community Leadership in Education (CYCLE)
Roger Williams University
About Me
Keith Catone is executive director of the Center for Youth and Community Leadership in Education (CYCLE) at Roger Williams University. Research and learning activities at CYCLE occur at the intersection of youth and parent leadership, community organizing, and equity-oriented education systems change. Most centrally, CYCLE seeks to develop knowledge and practice around community-driven efforts for educational justice.
Previously, he served as Associate Director for Community Organizing and Engagement at the Annenberg Institute for School Reform and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education at Brown University. He was the project director for the Youth 4 Change Alliance in Providence, RI and co-founded the New York Collective of Radical Educators, a citywide grassroots teacher activist group, while teaching high school social studies in the Bronx. Keith serves on the board of directors for the Education for Liberation Network and has authored numerous research and opinion pieces. His first book, The Pedagogy of Teacher Activism: Portraits of Four Teachers for Justice, explores connections between pedagogical purpose, power, and possibility in the context of working with teachers, youth, families, and communities to change the world. Keith holds an EdD in Culture, Communities, and Education from Harvard University.
community organizing, youth leadership, parent leadership, teacher activism, critical pedagogy
Contact Information: About Cycle
Selected Publications & Projects
Luk, K., Schuettge, N., Catone, K., & Perez, C. (2020). Chapter 14: "Why couldn't that have been me?" Reflections on confronting adultism in education organizing spaces. In G. Brion-Meisels, J.T. Fei, & D.S. Vasudevan (Eds.), At our best: Building youth adult partnerships in out-of-school time settings. A volume in Current Issues in Out-of-School Time. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
CYCLE projects of note:
New England Youth Organizing Network (NEYON)
Youth Leadership Institute (YLI)
Schools & Communities Organizing for Racial Equity (SCORE)
See CYCLE project summaries here.