Safeguarding and Empowering Youth Voices: Innovations in Democracy

Time: 14:30 - 16:00 EAT / 11:30 - 13:00 UTC



Africa Peace-Pective

About this session. Safeguarding and empowering youth voices in democracy is embeded in the need to in recognize the role of young people as catalysts for societal progress and democratic resilience. By engaging young people in meaningful participation, we not only ensure the representation of diverse perspectives but also foster a culture of inclusivity and civic responsibility. Through this session we believe empowering youth to actively contribute to democratic processes is essential for addressing pressing global challenges, driving innovation, and building social cohesion as we strengthen the legitimacy of democratic institutions and cultivate a sense of ownership among the next generation of leaders.

In the essence of this session, safeguarding and empowering youth voices is not just a matter of justice; it is strategic and imperative for building resilient, inclusive societies that can adapt and thrive in the face of complex challenges.

This is why this session will aim at showcasing the innovative efforts of young people in promoting democracy, through inspiring and empowering participants to take action towards building more inclusive and vibrant democratic societies. Together, we can harness the creativity and energy of youth to shape the future of democracy for generations to come.


1. To highlight and celebrate the innovative ways in which young people are engaging with democracy, fostering dialogue, and driving positive change in their communities and beyond.

2. To Inspire and motivate participants to initiate or support youth-led initiatives in their respective contexts.

Intended outcomes.

1. Increase awareness and knowledge on the importance of youth engagement in democracy.

2. Share lessons learnt and best practices in leveraging innovative approaches to democracy.

3. Identify and create networking opportunities for collaboration and partnership among stakeholders committed to promoting youth participation in democratic processes.

* For more information, please contact Winnie Adile Akidi (