Co-designing digital first health systems: Harnessing the insights and imagination of young people on the future design and governance of digital-first health systems

Time: 14:30 - 16:00 EAT / 11:30 - 13:00 UTC



Digital Transformation of Health Lab (DTH-Lab)

The digital transformation is now fully integrated into our daily lives. It shapes our social interactions, where we get information and how we manage our health and well-being. Together with the Digital Transformations for Health Lab (DTH-Lab) participants will examine the current state of the digital transformations in health and the opportunities that digital first health systems bring. As health systems around the world become increasingly digital first, how can we ensure that they deliver better health futures for young people? The Governing Health Futures 2030 Commission—as part of a broader set of recommendations on maximizing the health benefits of digital transformations—has called for young people’s needs and voices to be at the Centre of digital first health system design and governance.

To take this recommendation forward, the Digital Transformations for Health Lab is collaborating with youth-led organizations and networks to understand young people’s views on what future digital first health systems should look like and bring their recommendations to the attention of policymakers. The objective of the workshop will be to capture the insights and imagination of young people on the future design and governance of digital first health systems by paying particular attention to the current political will, digital infrastructure, and health system status at the regional and national level. Ideas and recommendations from the series of workshops will be published in a report on national youth consultations in December 2024 and subsequently shared in a blueprint on digital first health systems in 2025. This blueprint will be shared widely with policymakers and partners impacting external agendas but also the DTH-Lab’s work of digital transformations of health.

* For more information, please contact Enow Awah Georges Stevens (