Read the latest news, happenings, and research from youth activists and researchers around the world. You’ll hear powerful stories about young people creating better futures for themselves, their communities, and their countries.
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Young Leaders in Latin American Democracies Convene for Democracy Moves' Spring Conference
On February 27th, youth movement leaders from across Latin America met to discuss the future of democracy in their home region. The conference addressed the current roles of government, civil society, and individual citizens in bringing about a more democratic future. In doing so, it showed the young folks in attendance a variety of techniques and best practices that could be used for effective participation going forward.
Jóvenes Líderes de la Democracia Latinoamericana se reúnen por la Conferencia de Primavera de Democracy Moves
El 27 de febrero, líderes de movimientos juveniles de todo américa latina se reunieron para discutir el futuro de la democracia en su región. Dado las amenazas a la participación juvenil debidas a la pandemia, el año 2020 ha resultado uno de los peores en la memoria pasada en cuanto a la esperanza de un futuro más democratico. Por eso, Democracy Moves gestionó un conversatorio por la comunidad de habla hispana, en la cual paneles representativos de toda américa latina proveyeron ideas nuevas e inspiración a un público diverso de más de 70 participantes.